7/6/19 - Museums, walking and lots of caffeine
/Day 20. Museums and walking, repeat over and over
John has planned yet another day. Surprising us, the kids make it out of the house before we do and we pick a spot to meet up later in the morning. I think the kids are getting more comfortable with the traveling routine and being on their own as a group. The kids go to a museum and we meet up with them after to go to the Archeology museum. I think I must be a little tired because the only thing that stood out to me from the visit was that there was a lot of gold.
Next, on to the Museum of Dublin. It was cool in a sense that they had hundreds of pictures, artifacts and the likes in one room. However; I must be suffering the dreaded museum fatigue. The tour guide sounds like the teacher in the Charlie Brown shows (won, wan, won, wan). The main thing I remember is that the tour guide was at a loss to explain the connection between a wooden carved crocodile and Dublin. “It just showed up here on day” he responds when asked.
I’m hoping the trifecta of a diet Coke, Red Bull and Starbucks Mocha will jump start me in the afternoon without putting me in a hospital with a caffeine overdose. It seems to be working as I’m feeling more energetic at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It is really awe inspiring; especially the stain glass windows.
We walk over to Grafton Street which is closed to traffic. It is Saturday and there are musicians playing, street entertainers and people everywhere. It reminds me of Venice Beach but alas no Jimmy Hendrix on roller skates sightings. I could stay there all afternoon but we have YAMTGT (yet another museum to go to). This one is the Irish Heritage museum. Leanne and I have Irish ancestry so we connect with our past here. It is a great museum - very interactive.
Our friend Charlie from business school drove 2 hours from Kilkenny for dinner at Roly’s Bistro. He has been living in Ireland for 3 years. It was great catching up with him and introducing him to our kids. We walk back after dinner and log 8 miles walking for the day.