2-8-20 - Reunion with Doralis

Today our “host daughter” Doralis arrives from Bogota. Doralis lived with us for two years from 2010 – 2011 as an Au Pair helping with the three kids when they were 7, 5 and 3.  Her sister Bibiana then came and lived with us also as an Au Pair from 2012 – 2013. We have kept in touch with them and consider them part of our extended family. We will see Bibiana on Monday as she had to work over the weekend. Doralis visited us in the US a year and half ago. We have been promising her that we will come visit Colombia for years and now we make good on our promise. 

Doralis arrives at our hotel and we catch up over breakfast and lunch.  Every time Doralis sees the kids, she exclaims, “Oh my God, they’ve grown soooo tall!” Kyle has gotten used to the boys being taller than him and Justin has to bend down to hug Leanne. 

We get the update on Doralis.  She was able to use her experience in the US with us learning English to get a corporate job that required English when she returned to Colombia. She has done very well in her corporate career in sales and has recently switched from an Oil and Gas company to MacAfee software in charge of Central America.  We are so proud of what she has accomplished.

“You NEED to see the beautiful beaches and blue water in Isla Baru,” Doralis tells us at breakfast. “The beaches here are not good, not pretty,” Insists Doralis.  After Kyle’s jet ski scam yesterday, we fully concurs with Doralis’ conclusion that the beach es no Bueno. You need to take a boat out to the island so  Kyle goes down and checks with the concierge about getting a boat. It turns out that it’s a full day trip and al the boats have already left.  Major bummer. 

We hang out and hang lunch by the pool where the kids catch her up on our travels and what they were doing before the trip started.  We look at pictures from when she here and it is amazing to see how young the kids looked and how much they have grown and matured.

We are scheduled to fly back to Bogota tomorrow afternoon but when Kyle pulls up pictures of Isla Baru and Isla Rosario, he exclaims, “we have to go there!” Somewhere in all the planning logistics, Kyle didn’t realize that Cartagena is actually east of Panama on Caribbean Sea not the Pacific Ocean. The group agrees and Kyle sets about to book the trip tomorrow and re-book all our flights.  This is no easy task and Kyle realizes it will take up a chunk of the afternoon so he stays at hotel while the rest of the group heads out and head out to explore the historic district.  

Having broken free of the grips of the hotel, Leanne seems to have either lost or hidden her fear of Cartagena with a local leading! Instead of beaches on this beautiful Saturday, we opt for history!  Cartagena became a major port in 1540’s. Because of its strategic location as the last major port before Central America connecting North and South America blocked further travel west, it became the main port for trade between Spain and its overseas empire during the Colonial era.  It was also the main port for the export of Peruvian silver and gold to Spain. 

We visit the Fort at San Felipe which protected Cartagena through several skirmishes from the 16th to 18th centuries but primarily against pirates that roamed the Caribbean Sea.  The pirates were especially attracted to the Peruvian silver and gold.  The walled city and fortress of Cartagena were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984. We have the most animated local guide in Doralis who really makes the history come alive in the fort.  16,000 African slaves brought over by the Spanish built this fort with parts made from coral reefs and cement.  

Afterwards, we visit the famous Cathedral of Cartagena (officially named the Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Saint Catherine of Alexandria – try saying that a few times and we can see why it’s just called the Cathedral of Cartagena).  The church commenced construction in 1577 and was completed in 1612 so it is one of the oldest churches we’ve seen.

We explore the surrounding squares on a horse- drawn carriage.  Yes, it seems like a terribly touristy thing to actually do but for US$20 it felt like a true bargain and an easy way to see the area’s bright colorful colonial buildings without getting hawked at every 3 feet. If Kyle were there, he would have sworn he saw the Master jet ski scammer stalking him in the fort. 

On the way back, the group has to split into two taxi’s so Doralis takes a couple kids in one and Leanne takes the other kids in the other.  Back at the hotel, we discover than Leanne was charged twice the amount as Doralis for the exact same taxi ride.  That’s the worst kind of scam where you don’t know you’ve been scammed until after the fact.  Score: Colombian Scammer 2, Huebner Touristos 0.

After our free happy hour (aka dinner) back at the hotel, John sits down with Doralis to interview her about her culture for his online college course he’s taking this term. John has to interview someone from another culture and Doralis presents the perfect opportunity for him to delve deeper into the Colombian culture.

Kyle has successfully booked and re-booked everything so we are ready to go tomorrow where we will see the beautiful blue water Doralis told us about. Can’t wait!