3-5-20 - Coronavirus fears sweep the globe
/Up to this point, we have been watching the Coronavirus developments from afar. As of today, the total number of cases crossed the 100K mark but with the vast majority, 80K, reported in China. Italy has a relatively modest 4.6K reported cases.
We’ve spent the last 2 months in South and Central America (and Antarctica) where there have been no reported cases. In fact, Brazil reported its first case as we arrived in the country. Statistically speaking, 1 case in a country with 209M people is not worrying us yet.
But people are starting to see the Coronavirus train gaining steam and momentum. Leanne sends me a text from New Jersey showing empty shells where hand sanitizer used to be. Stories of people stockpiling sanitizer and trying to sell at $2 bottle for $150 on Amazon are starting to circulate.
Our next country is Turkey which has no reported cases. Obviously, there is exposure risk in going through an airport and getting on a plane so we are trying to stock our coronavirus supplies while we can. Justin and Kyle head out in Rio on a mission to obtain the now much coveted hand sanitizer.
The first stop produces a strike out but the second pharmacy produces a jackpot. They have hand sanitizer galore (even in the 70% alcohol level) and face masks. Obviously the local people are not worrying about Coronavirus-related supplies stocking out. We are even able to get isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel to make our own handmade versions. We pop into another store or two to add a bit to the bounty.
Meanwhile Leanne has been driving around New Jersey buying what she can that is still find for our travels. List includes zinc logenzes, anti-bacterial wipes, vitamins, and cold medications if needed. Kyle is also purchasing supplies on Amazon and having them delivered to Leanne’s mom’s house before she leaves to rejoin Kyle. By the afternoon, the clan is well stocked across two continents with an arsenal of anti-Coronavirus artillery. Although, with 7 people and still traveling for four more months on the road, we are not over-stocking by any means. Its a two-front approach to keeping our family safe.
At this point there have been no border shutdowns and although Coronavirus concern is growing, the Huebner World Tour shoulders on.
Armed with face masks and slathered in a body bath of hand sanitizer, Kyle, Corey, Justin and Ashlynn board the overnight plane to Madrid.