Global Teen Adventures

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11-24-19 - Catholic Mass in a Muslim Country

Day 161. Kyle & Leanne joint blog.

John has declared today a rest day for all pointing out that even God rested on Sunday and so we should too.  

The day mostly consisted of online class work for the kids, SAT prep for John and catching up on our website blog and social media posts for Kyle and Leanne. In addition, Kyle has plenty of additional things to catch up on too as we all prepare to head back to the States for the holiday season.  Kyle sits under a canopy by the pool working on his MacBook as a huge thunderstorm rolls in off the ocean. 

Leanne is tasked with finding a Catholic mass in this predominantly Muslin country (Malaysia is 61% Muslim). Justin and Leanne brave the massive rainstorm to head to church. St Joseph’s Cathedral is just 15 minutes away and is like no other church we’ve seen yet. It has a huge pavilion like brown roofs with open sides on all ends. Under the large roof, Leanne and Justin find well over 1,200 parishioners celebrating mass. A massive television screen displays all the readings and songs needed to follow along. Another beautiful expression of faith.  

For dinner, the crew votes on Pizza Hut, which is just two blocks from the hotel.  Apparently trying Malaysian food will have to wait another day!